Although I have been programming since before I had serious memories (at the age of 8-9 I was copying BASIC programs for "Pravets 8C" /Apple II clone/ from
"Computer" magazines), and at school and university I used any languages for any purpose (including for hacking attempts), professionally I can say that
I have been developing software since 2008.
For commercial projects I have used the following languages, databases and technologies:
Object Pascal (in Delphi 7 and Delphi XE3 development environments), PostgreSQL (mostly 9.5, but also older and newer versions like 8.0 and 11), XML,
Web Services (SOAP), Free Pascal (in development environment Lazarus), Absolute Database, PHP, MySQL, Visual FoxPro
My sample project uploaded in GitHub
Some other languages I've used for hobby and study projects (too many to list them all):
Java (Android), Visual Prolog, Python, JavaScript, MVC, TortoiseSVN (Version Control)
My projects include both Web applications and desktop applications (mainly for Microsoft Windows, but also for industrial computers and devices running
Windows CE). For testing I was able to compile applications for Linux, Raspberry Pi and Mac OS (via Lazarus).
There are too many commercial and hobby projects to describe (maybe this will happen over time), so I'm only giving some of the things I've done:
- Various standalone applications built from scratch - accounting software (including the online remote entry part), statistical / analytical software,
financial software
- Software for importing / exporting data from and to other systems - via web services, FTP, XML or other files
- Applications managing various industrial controllers or other devices through a number of protocols and communication types - TCP / IP or COM port.
- Graphical software somewhat similar to AutoCad, but highly specialized in one specific activity for specific clients.
- Chat bot that can respond to user messages and provide replies.
Check out my latest hobby - a web application based on Python 3.7 and digging the hot topics in Bulgaria:
Hot Toppics
A gadget showing the temperature in Momin Prohod: